Total Judul: 351
Total Eksemplar: 1646
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No. | Register | Judul | Pengarang | Penerbit | Kota Terbit | Tahun Terbit | ISBN / ISSN | Subject | Classification | Bahasa | Jumlah eksemplar | GMD | Tipe koleksi |
1 | 113011002 | Constituting unity and difference : vernacular architecture in a Minangkabau village | Marcel Vellinga | KITLV Press | Leiden, The Netherlands | 2004 | MINANGKABAU Architecture | 720.5983 | English | 3 | Text | Umum | |
2 | 113011365 | Di balik pasca kolonial : arsitektur, ruang kota, dan budaya politik di Indonesia | Abidin Kusno | Airlangga University Press | Surabaya | 2007 | 979-3557-7 | Ruang kota pasca kolonialisme Arsitektur pengaruh kolonial | 720.9 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
3 | 113007399 | 28 desain griya minimalis nan unik dengan bahan lokal | Tim Archsketch | Cahaya Atma | Jogjakarta | 2011 | 978-602-99 | Rumah minimalis Desain hunian | 728 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
4 | 113007357 | Panduan praktis menghitung biaya membangun rumah | Ariani N.S. Monica Ranala Yanto Irawan | Kawan Pustaka | Jakarta | 2010 | 979-757-41 | Anggaran membangun rumah | 720 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
5 | 113007351 | Buku pintar RAB (Rencana Anggaran Biaya) untuk membangun rumah | Ivan C. Sibero | Mediakom | Jogjakarta | 2011 | 978-979-87 | Anggaran membangun rumah | 720 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
6 | 113007501 | Kreatif menata hunian mungil | Teguh Prihanto | Kawan Pustaka | Jakarta | 2011 | 9797574717 | Rumah Hunian Menata Rumah DESAIN INTERIOR | 728.3 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
7 | 113011971 | Green architecture : pengantar pemahaman arsitektur hijau di Indonesia | Karyono, Tri Harso | Rajawali Press | Jakarta | 2010 | 9786027693145 | Architecture and the environment Arsitektur dan lingkungan | 721.046 | Indonesia | 9 | Text | Umum |
8 | 113012385 | Makna arsitektur : Suatu refleksi filosofis | Laksmi G. Siregar | UI Press | Jakarta | 2006 | 9794563188 | Filosofis Arsitektur | 720 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
9 | 113012715 | Mendesain rumah Islami karakteristik fisik dan penghuninya | Asy-Syuhud, Ali bin Nayif | Aqwam | Solo | 2010 | 978-979-0390799 | Desain rumah Islami Residential buildings--architecture Conventional housing--architecture | 728 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
10 | 113013171 | Pendekatan dalam perancangan arsitektur : metode untuk menganalisis dan merancang arsitektur secara efektif | Zahnd, Markus | Soegijapranata University Press dan Kanisius | Yogyakarta | 2009 | 978-979-21 | Architecture-Philosophy Teori arsitektur | 720.1 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
11 | 113013999 | 21 desain rumah kos di lahan lebar 13-15 m | Petrus Mulianto, et. all | Griya Kreasi | Jakarta | 2011 | 978-979-66 | RUMAH KOS Desain | 728.1 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
12 | 113013963 | 25 Desain rumah tingkat di lahan 72-100m2 : Tropis minimalis etnik mediterania | Deny Indradi. [et.al]. | Griya Kreasi | Jakarta | 2011 | 9798771249 | Mediterania Tropis Minimalis Desain Rumah Rumah Tingkat | 728 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
13 | 113014005 | 25 desain fasad rumah di lahan lebar 8 m | Hafidh Aditama Dwi Rinjani Putri Palupi, et.all | Griya Kreasi | Jakarta | 2011 | 978-979-66 | FASAD RUMAH Desain | 728.1 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
14 | 11304731 | Ragam desain fasad rumah modern minimalis | Tim Arsitektur Binus University | Penebar Swadaya | Jakarta | 2009 | 978-979-66 | RUMAH MODERN MINIMALIS FASAD RUMAH Desain | 729.1 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
15 | 113013969 | Inspirasi fasad rumah modern | Andy Kristono | KANAYA Press | Jakarta | 2011 | 978-602-91 | RUMAH MODERN FASAD RUMAH Desain | 729.1 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
16 | 113014845 | Interior kamar tidur realistik dengan 3ds Max 2011 | Chandra, Handi | Maxikom | Palembang | 2011 | 978-979-1399623 | 3DS MAX 2011 KAMAR TIDUR REALISTIK INTERIOR | 720.284 | Indonesia | 13 | Text | Umum |
17 | 113014995 | Google sketchup 8 untuk arsitek : menggunakan SketchUp 8 versi gratis | Handi Chandra | Maxicom | Palembang | 2011 | 978-979-13 | Menggambar sketsa Architectural drawing | 720.284 | Indonesia | 13 | Text | Umum |
18 | 042219 | Arsitektur mesjid dan monumen sejarah muslim | Sumalyo, Yulianto | Gadjah Mada University Press | Yogyakarta | 2000 | 979-420-4722 | BANGUNAN KEAGAMAAN Arsitektur | 726 | Indonesia | 12 | Text | Umum |
19 | 042012 | Iklim dan Arsitektur (Catatan Kuliah) | Surjamanto W. | Penerbit ITB | Bandung | 2004 | PENGARUH IKLIM Arsitektur | 720.055 16 | Indonesia | 7 | Text | Umum | |
20 | 042159 | Some Architectural Design Principles of Temples in Java : A Study Through The Buildings Projection on The Reliefs of Borobudur Temple | Parmono Atmadi | Gadjah Mada Univ. Press | Yogyakarta | 1994 | 979-420-08 | ASPEK DESAIN ARSITEKTUR CANDI | 726.143 095 | Indonesia | 5 | Text | Umum |
21 | 041407 | Standar Perencanaan Tapak | Januar Hakim (alih bahasa) Lee E. Koppelman Joseph De Chiara | Penerbit Erlangga | Jakarta | 1997 | PERENCANAAN TAPAK Arsitektur | 720.28 | Indonesia | 11 | Text | Umum | |
22 | 041987 | Bahan dan Arsitektur (Catatan Kuliah) | Surjamanto W. | Penerbit ITB | Bandung | 2000 | ARSITEKTUR - ELEMEN | 721.044 | Indonesia | 10 | Text | Umum | |
23 | 042027 | Struktur dan Konstruksi Bangunan Bertingkat Rendah (Catatan Kuliah) | Surjamanto W. | Penerbit ITB | Bandung | 2000 | KONSTRUKSI BANGUNAN STRUKTUR BANGUNAN | 721 | Indonesia | 10 | Text | Umum | |
24 | 042833 | The Islamic art and architecture | Arnold, Sir Thomas | Goodword Books | New Delhi | 2001 | ISLAM,ARCHITECTURE | 720.1 | Indonesia | 1 | Text | Umum | |
25 | 042811 | Architecture and Revolution : Contemporary Perspectives on Central and Eastern Europe | Neil Leach (editor) | Routledge | London | 1999 | 0-415-1391 | Architecture | 720.103 | English | 2 | Text | Umum |
26 | 0425200 | German Architecture : for a mass audience | Kathleen James-Chakraborty | Routledge | London | 2000 | 0-415-2365 | GERMAN-ARCHITECTURE | 720.043 | English | 2 | Text | Umum |
27 | 050201 | Grafik Arsitektur | Paulus Hanoto Aji Frank Ching | Erlangga | Jakarta | 1997 | GRAFIK ARSITEKTUR | 729 | Indonesia | 13 | Text | Umum | |
28 | 050241 | Membangun : Ilmu Bangunan (2) | P. Beets [et al..] E. Diraatmadja | Penerbit Erlangga | Jakarta | 1999 | ILMU BANGUNAN | 721 | Indonesia | 9 | Text | Umum | |
29 | 050151 | Data arsitek 1 | Sjamsu Amril Ernst Neufert | Erlangga | Jakarta | 0000 | ARSITEKTUR - DATA, MODEL, ILLUSTRASI | 720.22 | Indonesia | 11 | Text | Umum | |
30 | 050236 | Membangun : Ilmu Bangunan (3) | P. Beets [et al..] E. Diraatmadja | Penerbit Erlangga | Jakarta | 1999 | ILMU BANGUNAN | 721 | Indonesia | 10 | Text | Umum | |
31 | 05678730 | Dictionary of Architectural and Building Technology | Peter R. Smith Henry J. Cowan | E & FN Spon | London | 1998 | 0419222804 | BUILDING TECHNOLOGY Architecture | 720.03 | English | 2 | Text | Referensi |
32 | 051005 | Selling Architectural Ideas | Tom Porter | E & FN Spon | London | 2000 | 0-419-2326 | Communication in architectural ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES MARKETING | 720.688 | English | 2 | Text | Umum |
33 | 050983 | Structure and Style : conserving 20th century buildings | Michael Tratton | E & FN Spon | London | 1997 | 0-419-2174 | 721.090 4 | English | 2 | Text | Umum | |
34 | 051252 | Ringkasan Ilmu Bangunan bagian b | Hendarsin J. Kwantes; dkk | Erlangga | Jakarta | 1983 | ILMU BANGUNAN | 721 | Indonesia | 5 | Text | Umum | |
35 | 113009307 | 27 desain rumah etnik di lahan 100-200 m 2 | Dini Rosmalia Atiek Untarti | Niaga Swadaya | Jakarta | 2011 | 978-979-66 | Desain rumah etnik Conventional housing--architecture | 728 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
36 | 041382 | Gambar dan perencanaan arsitektur | Jerrino Sudarno Jak J. Hayslett William T. Goodban | Erlangga | Jakarta | 2002 | GAMBAR ARSITEKTUR PERENCANAAN ARSITEKTUR | 720.28 | Indonesia | 8 | Text | Umum | |
37 | 0411532 | Membangun : Ilmu Bangunan (1) | P. Beets [et al..] E. Diraatmadja | Penerbit Erlangga | Jakarta | 1999 | ILMU BANGUNAN | 721 | Indonesia | 24 | Text | Umum | |
38 | 041312 | Pengantar arsitektur | Sangkayo, Hendro Catanese, Anthony J. Snyder, James C. | Penerbit Erlangga | Jakarta | 2000 | Arsitektur | 720 | Indonesia | 10 | Text | Umum | |
39 | 041467 | Arsitektur : Bentuk, Ruang, dan Tatanan | Nurahma Tresani Harwadi Ching, Francis D.K. | Penerbit Erlangga | Jakarta | 2000 | 979-688-06 | Arsitektur | 720 | Indonesia | 12 | Text | Umum |
40 | 041492 | Penyajian Gambar Arsitektur : Suatu Penyajian Dengan Pendekatan Fotografis | Paulus Hanoto Adjie. Ernest Burden | Penerbit Erlangga | Jakarta | 2003 | GAMBAR ARSITEKTUR | 720.22 | Indonesia | 9 | Text | Umum | |
41 | 041502 | Akustik Lingkungan | Lea Prasetio Leslie L. Doelle | Penerbit Erlangga | Jakarta | 2000 | AKUSTIK LINGKUNGAN | 729.29 | Indonesia | 12 | Text | Umum | |
42 | 041542 | Grafik arsitektur | C. Leslie Martin E. Diraatmaja | Erlangga | Jakarta | 1996 | GRAFIK ARSITEKTUR | 729 | Indonesia | 5 | Text | Umum | |
43 | 041352 | Kunci / penyelesaian soal-soal disan struktur dalam arsitektur | Elly Madyayanti Matthys Levy Mario Salvadori | Erlangga | Jakarta | 1986 | DISAIN STRUKTUR Arsitektur | 729 | Indonesia | 5 | Text | Umum | |
44 | 041437 | Komposisi Arsitektur | Effendi Setiadharma Rob Krier | Penerbit Erlangga | Jakarta | 2001 | 979-411-65 | Arsitektur | 720 | Indonesia | 18 | Text | Umum |
45 | 041472 | Data arsitek (Jilid 2) | Neufert, Ernst | Erlangga | Jakarta | 2002 | ARSITEKTUR - DATA, MODEL, ILLUSTRASI | 720.22 | Indonesia | 20 | Text | Umum | |
46 | 041497 | Dimensi Manusia dan Ruang Interior : Buku Panduan Untuk Standar Pedoman Perancangan. | Kurniawan, Djoeliana Zelnik, Martin Panero, Julius | Penerbit Erlangga | Jakarta | 2003 | 979-411-55 | ARSITEKTUR - DIMENSI MANUSIA | 720.104 | Indonesia | 12 | Text | Umum |
47 | 041547 | Grafik arsitektur | Paulus Hanoto Aji Frank Ching | Erlangga | Jakarta | 1992 | GRAFIK ARSITEKTUR | 729 | Indonesia | 12 | Text | Umum | |
48 | 042214 | Arsitektur klasik Eropa | Yulianto Sumalyo | Gadjah Mada University Press. | Yogyakarta | 2003 | 979-420-53 | ARSITEKTUR KLASIK | 724 | Indonesia | 23 | Text | Umum |
49 | 041882 | Berpikir Gambar Bagi Arsitek dan Perancang | Paul Laseau Adjat Sakri Sri Rahayu | Penerbit ITB | Bandung | 1986 | 989-8001-0 | PERANCANGAN Arsitektur | 720.28 | Indonesia | 16 | Text | Umum |
50 | 051133 | Perencanaan dan Perancangan Bandar Udara | Francis X. McKelvey Purnomo Robert Horonjeff Budianto Sutanto | Erlangga | Jakarta | 1993 | BANDAR UDARA | 721 | Indonesia | 3 | Text | Umum | |
51 | 073201700 | Panduan Sistem Bangunan Tinggi : Untuk Arsitek dan Praktisi Bangunan | Jimmy S. Juwana | Erlangga | Jakarta | 2005 | 979-741-68 | ARSITEKTUR ; BANGUNAN BERTINGKAT | 720 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
52 | 073201712 | Akustika Bangunan : Prinsip-Prinsip dan Penerapannya Di Indonesia | Christina E. Mediastika | Erlangga | Jakarta | 2005 | 979-781-05 | BANGUNAN | 721 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
53 | 073205851 | Dinding: Ciptakan Suasan Ruangan yang Nyaman, Sehat, dan Estetis dengan Kombinasi Bahan, Pelapis, dan Asesoris Dinding | Gatut Susanta | Penebar Swadaya | Jakarta | 2007 | 979-26-363 | DINDING-ARSITEKTUR | 721.2 | Indonesia | 12 | Text | Umum |
54 | 073205881 | 21 Desain Atap Carport | Nia Noorrahmah | Penebar Budaya | Jakarta | 2007 | 979-26-362 | 721.5 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum | |
55 | 073205887 | Aneka Desain Rumah Bertingkat | Agung Budi Sardjono | Penebar Swadaya | Jakarta | 2007 | 979-26-361 | DESAIN RUMAH-ARSITEKTUR | 728 | Indonesia | 12 | Text | Umum |
56 | 073205863 | 33 Inspirasi Desain Rumah Tinggal | Choirul Amin | Penebar Swadaya | Jakarta | 2007 | 979-26-361 | DESAIN RUMAH-ARSITEKTUR | 728 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
57 | 073219909 | Seri menata rumah: Kamar mandi | Imelda Akmal | Gramedia | Jakarta | 2006 | 729.24 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum | ||
58 | 073214134 | Beranda | Imelda Akmal | Gramedia Pustaka Utama | Jakarta | 2006 | AKSESORIS DAN FURNITUR BERANDA-DESAIN DESAIN INTERIOR | 729 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum | |
59 | 073214140 | Fasade | Imelda Akmal | Gramedia Pustaka Utama | Jakarta | 2007 | FASADE-DESAIN AKSESORIS DAN FURNITUR DESAIN INTERIOR | 729 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum | |
60 | 073214146 | Psikologi Arsitektur: Pengantar Kajian Lintas Disiplin | Deddy Halim | Grasindo | Jakarta | 2005 | ARSITEKTUR-PSIKOLOGI | 720.19 | Indonesia | 5 | Text | Umum | |
61 | 073202635 | Penguat Operasional dan Rangkaian terpadu Linier | Frederik F. Driscoll Robert F. Coughlin Herman Widodo Soemitro | Erlangga | Jakarta | - | 721 | Indonesia | 2 | Text | Umum | ||
62 | 082001401 | TThe Adaptable House: Designing Homes for Change | Avi Friedman | McGraw-Hill | New York | 2002 | 0-07-13774 | HOME-DESIGN | 729 | English | 3 | Text | Umum |
63 | 082000140 | The Adaptable House :Design Homes ffor Change | Avi Friedman | McGraw-Hill | Toronto | 2002 | 0-07-13774 | DESIGNING HOMES | 729 | English | Text | Umum | |
64 | 082001010 | The official DataCAD version 9.0: User's guide | Richard C. Morse Micahel R. Smith | McGraw-Hill | New York | 2000 | Entourage (Architectural rendering) Architecture--Working drawings Architectural drawing--Technique Architectural drawing | 720.284 | English | 2 | Text | Umum | |
65 | 092000847 | Tarikhu: 'Imaratu al Masjidi al Haram | Husain Abdullah Basalamah | DAru Misra lilThaba'ah | Misra | 1964 | Makkah al Mukaramah Masjidi al Haram | 726.2 | العربية | 1 | Text | Umum | |
66 | 073205875 | 101 Desain Jendela: Sebagai Inspirasi untuk Anda saat Membuat dan Merenovasi Rumah | Indra Gunadi | Penebar Swadaya | Jakarta | 2007 | 979-26-362 | DESAIN JENDELA-ARSITEKTUR | 721.8 | Indonesia | 12 | Text | Umum |
67 | 073205929 | Ragam Bentuk, Bahan & Variasi Tangga: Inspirasi Anda untuk Mengahdirkan Tangga yang Unik & Menarik di rumah Tipe Kecil Maupun Besar | Achmad Fa'izin | Penebar Swadaya | Jakarta | 2007 | 979-26-362 | DESAIN TANGGA-ARSITEKTUR | 721.8 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
68 | 073205935 | Desain Interior Kamar Mandi | Nanang Tri P Tri Imam Sarjono Dian Ariffianto BS | Trubus Agriwidya | Depok | 2005 | 979-661-07 | DESAIN KAMAR MANDI-ARSITEKTUR DESAIN INTERIOR | 721.8 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
69 | 073205917 | Lantai:Ciptakan suasana ruangan yang nyaman, sehat, dan estetis dengan kombinasi bahan, pelapis dan asesoris lantai | Gatut Susanta | Penebar Swadaya | Jakarta | 2007 | 979-26-363 | DESAIN LANTAI-ARSITEKTUR | 721.6 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
70 | 073220007 | Karya Arsitektur: Arsitek Di Indonesia | TIM Ikatan arsitek Indonesia [IAI] | 2000 | Arsitektur | 720 | Indonesia | 1 | Text | Umum | |||
71 | 073220009 | Karya Interior: Desainer Interior di Indonesia | Himpunan desainer Interior Indonesia [HDDI] | 2000 | INTERIOR DECORATION Arsitektur | 729 | Indonesia | 1 | Text | Umum | |||
72 | 093004167 | Arsitek dan karyanya F. Silaban dalam konsep dan karya | Dwi Suci Lestari B. Pat Ristara Gandhi Tri W. Handayani Bambang Triratma Astuti SA Odang | Nova | Bandung | 1992 | Architecture | 720 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum | |
73 | 092004755 | Tahlil Wa Tashmim Al Munsyiat Al Shina'iyyat | syarif Fathi al Syafi'i | Dar Al Kutub Al Ilmiah | Kairo | 2004 | 977-287-40 | Konstruksi INDUSTRI Arsitektur | 721 | العربية | 1 | Text | Umum |
74 | 0543210 | Buku Referensi untuk Kontraktor Bangunan Gedung dan Sipil | PT. PP (Persero)-General Contractor | PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama | Jakarta | 2003 | KONTRAKTOR; ILMU BANGUNAN | 721 | Indonesia | 1 | Text | Umum | |
75 | 093002739 | Menggali Pemikiran Posmodernisme Dalam Arsitektur | Ikhwanuddin | Gajah Mada University Press | Yogyakarta | 2005 | 979-420-58 | Architecture--Philosophy | 720.1 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
76 | 093002733 | 101 Desain Pintu : Ragam Jenis dan Bentuknya Bisa Menjadi Inspirasi Anda Untuk Membuat Pintu Rumah | Rizka Kautsar Agustinus E.S.K. Suryo Dwi Choirul Amin | Penebar Swadaya | Jakarta | 2008 | 929-26-360 | Doors--architecture | 721.822 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
77 | 093002769 | Agar Rumah Tidak Gelap & Tidak Pengap | Gatut Susanta Hafidh Aditama | Penebar Swadaya | Jakarta | 2007 | 979-26-363 | Lighting--architectural design | 729.28 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
78 | 092004811 | Al Tashmim Al Mi'mari Li Al Mustasyfa | Said Ali Khitab | Dar al Kutub al Ilmiyah | Kairo | 2006 | 977-287-59 | RUMAH SAKIT Desain arsitektur | 725.5 | العربية | 1 | Text | Umum |
79 | 092004739 | al Muyassir.;Dictionary of Contruction Engineering and Management Terms (English-Arabic) | Ali Ali Shash Radwan Sadu Al Juruf | Obekan Bookshop | 1995 | 9960-20-06 | TEKNIK KONSTRUKSI TEKNIK ARSITETUR KAMUS ISTILAH | 721 | العربية | 1 | Text | Referensi | |
80 | 093005826 | At Home: Di Rumah Bersama Yuni Jie | Yuni Jie | PT Gramedia Pustaka | Jakarta | 2007 | 979-22-288 | Interior Desain Rumah ARSITEKTUR RUMAH | 729.24 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
81 | 103008245 | Cara cepat membuat maket bangunan | Pitono Pranoto Agustinus Endra Sudibyo Suryo Dwi Marwoto Rizka Kautsar Choirul Amin | Griya Kreasi | Jakarta | 2006 | Illustrations, models, miniatures | 720.22 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum | |
82 | 103008251 | Ragam gaya rumah bertingkat: Gaya minimalis, gaya modern troopis, gaya mediterania, gaya kontemporer, gaya etnik, gaya klasik | Asep Awaluddin | Penebar Swadaya | Jakarta | 2009 | Arsitektur--rumah tinggal Domestic architecture Residential buildings--architecture Dwellings--architecture | 728 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum | |
83 | 103008257 | Ragam desain pengembangan rumah tipe 21 | Renggo S.W | Griya Kreasi | Jakarta | 2009 | Arsitektur--rumah tinggal Domestic architecture Residential buildings--architecture Dwellings--architecture | 728 | Indonesia | 7 | Text | Umum | |
84 | 103008263 | Membangun rumah kuat dan artistik dengan biaya murah | Danang Kusjuliadi P | Griya Kreasi | Jakarta | 2007 | Arsitektur--rumah tinggal Low-cost housing--architecture Domestic architecture Residential buildings--architecture Dwellings--architecture | 728.1 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum | |
85 | 093013443 | Menghitung RAB Pembangunan Rumah | Christina | Media Pressindo | Yogyakarta | 2009 | 979-8433-8 | RAB Rumah PEMBANGUNAN | 720 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
86 | 093014829 | Rangka Atap: Baja Ringan | Ir. Taufik Rohman TIM Redaksi Rumah | Pustaka Rumah | Jakarta | 2008 | 978-602-80 | RANGKA BAJA RINGAN ATAP | 721.5 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
87 | 093014913 | Menyatukan Feng Shui dan Arsitektur Untuk Rumah Tropis: Bedah Kasus dan Pembenahan Desain Menurut Arah Mata Angin | Ir. Prima Haris Nuryawan Mas Dian, MRE | Pustaka Rumah | Jakarta | 2008 | 978-979-38 | FENG SHUI Arsitektur | 721.010 133 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
88 | CHL01 | Time Saver Standard for Interior Design | Julius P. Joseph De Chilara | McGrawHill | 720 | English | 1 | Text | Umum | ||||
89 | 103014179 | 31 inspirasi rumah Islami | Ade Hidayat Anddys Firstanty | Transmedia | Jakarta | 2010 | Arsitektur--rumah hunian Architecture, Domestic Domestic architecture Residential buildings--architecture Dwellings--architecture Conventional housing--architecture | 728 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum | |
90 | 103014203 | Jejak megalitik arsitektur tradisional Sumba | Imron Sofian MI. Ririk Winandari Bambang LW Moh. Ali Topan Lili Kusumawati M | Graha Ilmu | Yogyakarta | 2010 | Arsitektur klasik--Sumbawa Sejarah arsitektur--Sumbawa Architecture, Classical--Sumbawa Architecture--History | 720.95986 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum | |
91 | 092004766 | Al Tashmim Al Insya'i Li Al A'midat Al Khursaniyat Al Maslahat | Kholil Ibrahim Waqid | Dar Al Kutub Al Ilmiah | Kairo | 2005 | 977-287-47 | Columnar Construction Architecture | 721.3 | العربية | 1 | Text | Umum |
92 | 092004834 | Musu'at Al Tanfidz Al Hadits Al Mi'mari Wa Al Insya'i | Husain Muhammad Jumat | Majmuah Al Nil Al Arabia | Kairo | 2001 | 977-5919-4 | Konstruksi Arsitektur | 721 | العربية | 1 | Text | Umum |
93 | 092004498 | ترميم الفسيفساء الأثرية | عطية، أحمد إبراهيم Ahmad Ibrahim Athiyah | دار الفجر | القاهرة | 2003 | 977-358-01 | Mosaics DEKORASI Arsitektur | 729.7 | العربية | 1 | Text | Umum |
94 | 103001019 | Masa lalu dalam masa kini arsitektur Indonesia | Nas, Peter J.M. | Gramedia Pustaka Utama | Jakarta | 2009 | 97897922 | Arsitektur Indonesia | 720.9598 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
95 | 103008497 | Arsitektur masjid | Fanani, Achmad | Bentang | Yogyakarta | 2009 | 978-979-1227414 | BANGUNAN MASJID | 726.2 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
96 | 103006343 | 99 untuk Arsitek | Raul Renanda | Penebar Swadaya | Jakarta | 2010 | 979-661-11 | ARSITEKTUR-ARSITEK | 720.92 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
97 | CHL02 | Time Saver Standard for Building Types | Julius P. Joseph De Chilara | McGrawHill | 720 | English | 1 | Text | Umum | ||||
98 | 093019257 | Rancang Sendiri Rumah Anda | Choirul Amin Fenty Arifianti Sakti Pinandito | Transmedia Pustaka | Jakarta | 2008 | 979-799-10 | ARSITEKTUR RUMAH | 728 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
99 | 103015937 | Feng Shui Praktis | Simon Brown | Erlangga | Jakarta | 2001 | 97-688-230 | ARSITEKTUR-FENG SHUI | 721.010 133 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
100 | 103017215 | Arsitektur Islam : pemikiran, diskusi dan pencarian bentuk | Utaberta, Nangkula | Gadjah Mada University Press | Yogyakarta | 2008 | Signs and symbols in architecture Architecture--Aesthetics Architecture--theory Architecture--Philosophy | 720.1 | Indonesia | 12 | Text | Umum | |
101 | 103017239 | Eklektisisme dan arsitektur eklektik : Konsep dan prinsip desain | Adi Utomo Hatmoko Sudaryono Sastrosasmito Afifah Harisah | Gadjah Mada University Press | Yogyakarta | 2007 | Architecture--Aesthetics Architecture--theory Architecture--Philosophy | 720.1 | Indonesia | 12 | Text | Umum | |
102 | 102003911 | al Jusur al Qawsiyah (al Tashmim wa al Tanfid) | 'Ali Hamadah | Dar al Ma'rifah | Damasqus | 1989 | JEMBATAN STRUKTUR BANGUNAN Arsitektur | 725.9 | العربية | 1 | Text | Umum | |
103 | 113003793 | Seri belajar cepat : Desain interior modern dengan 3DS Max | Mikael Sugianto | Andi Offset | Yogyakarta | 2010 | 9789792914 | 3DS MAX DESAIN INTERIOR | 729 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
104 | 113003349 | Arsitektur sadar energi : pemanfaatan komputer dan internet untuk merancang bangunan ramah lingkungan | Satwiko, Prasasto | Andi Offset | Yogyakarta | 2005 | 9789797317935 | ARCHITECTURE & ENVIRONMENT | 720.47 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
105 | 113004633 | Pemodelan desain arsitektur 2D dan 3D : menggunakan AutoCAD | Sastra M., Suparno | Penerbit Andi | Yogyakarta | 2009 | 9789792908 | 2D 3D Architectural design AUTOCAD Architecture | 729 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
106 | 113004681 | Siapa bilang bikin desain rumah minimalis 3D itu sulit? : Teknik merancang desain rumah tinggal minimalis 3 Dimensi dengan cepat dan mudah menggunakan ArchiCAD | Anditya | Penerbit Andi | Yogyakarta | 2010 | 9789792912 | 3 Dimensi Architectural design ArchiCAD Rumah minimalis PROGRAM | 729 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
107 | 113002473 | Merah putih arsitektur nusantara | Galih Widjil Pangarsa | Andi | Yogyakarta | 2006 | 9797636283 | Architecture, Classical Arsitektur Indonesia | 720.9598 | Indonesia | 7 | Text | Umum |
108 | 113004753 | 125 Desain jendela | Choirul Amin. [etal] | Andi Offset | Yogyakarta | 2010 | 9789792912 | Arsitektur Bangunan Jendela Windows | 721.823 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
109 | 113008677 | 25 desain rumah taman | Agung Budi Sardjono | Penebar Swadaya | Depok | 2010 | 979-661-13 | Desain rumah tinggal | 728 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
110 | 0736847 | Kumpulan gambar teknik bangunan | Daryanto | Rineka Cipta | Jakarta | 2005 | GAMBAR BANGUNAN TEKNIK BANGUNAN | 721 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum | |
111 | 113004261 | Arsitektur :bentuk,ruang, dan tatanan /Edisi 3 | Hanggan Situmorang : penerjemah Francis D.Ching | Erlangga | Jakarta | 2008 | 978-979-03 | Arsitektur Bangunan STRUKTUR ARSITEKTUR | 720 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
112 | 0738728 | Behind the Postcolonial: Architecture, Urban Space and Political Cultures in Indonesia | Abidin Kusno | Routledge | London | 2000 | POSTCOLONIALISM - INDONESIA ARCHITECTURE - INDONESIA | 720.10309 598 | English | 3 | Text | Umum | |
113 | 113004573 | 23 desain rumah tingkat di lahan lebar 5 m | Tim Arsitektur Binus University | Penebar Swadaya | Jakarat | 2010 | 978-979-66 | Desain dan kontruksi rumah Conventional housing--architecture | 728 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
114 | 113004477 | 28 desain fasad rumah minimalis di lahan lebar 4-7 m | Tim Toedjoeh | Swadaya | Jakarta | 2010 | 978-979-66 | Desain rumah-fasade Facades--architectural design | 729.1 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
115 | 113004591 | 33 desain rumah bertingkat di kaveling standar dan kaveling hook | Asep Awaluddin | Penebar Swadaya | Jakarta | 2011 | 978-979-66 | Desain dan arsitektur rumah tinggal Residential buildings--architecture Dwellings--architecture | 728 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
116 | 113008713 | Memilih warna interior sesuai fengshui | Djoko Darmawan | Penebar Swadaya | Jakarta | 2010 | 979-661-13 | Warna interior rumah | 729.4 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
117 | 113008683 | 35 desain rumah tingkat di lahan lebar 10 m | Tim LIB | Penebar Swadaya | Jakarta | 2010 | 978-979-66 | Desain rumah tinggal | 728 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
118 | 113008551 | 22 desain rumah di bawah Rp 100 juta | Tim D'Maximus | Griya Kreasi | Jakarta | 2010 | 979-661-14 | Desain rumah tinggal | 728 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
119 | 113008545 | 25 desain rumah tingkat minimalis di lahar lebar 8 - 10 m | Judhi Setiawan [et al] | Griya Kreasi | Jakarta | 2011 | 979-661-16 | Desain rumah tinggal | 728 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
120 | 113008539 | 26 desain rumah tingkat di perkotaan : inspirasi desain rumah tingkat di lahan sempit bagi kaum urban | Tim D'Maximus | Griya Kreasi | Jakarta | 2010 | 978-979-66 | Rumar tingkat Desain rumah tinggal | 728 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
121 | 113008521 | A - Z warna interior rumah tinggal : panduan memilih warna untuk aplikasi pada ruang-ruang dalam rumah tinggal | Wirania Swasty | Griya Kreasi | Jakarta | 2010 | 978-979-66 | Warna dekorasi Warna interior | 729.4 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
122 | 113008533 | 101 denah rumah : rumah tidak bertingkat, rumah bertingkat, rumah kos, rumah toko (ruko) | Galih P.S. Putri Choirul Amin Fenty Arifianti | Griya Kreasi | Jakarta | 2010 | 979-661-13 | Site planning-architecture Denah rumah | 720.28 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
123 | 113008581 | 99 inspirasi warna interior rumah tinggal : ragam pilihan warna untuk ruang-ruang dalam rumah | Wirania Swasty | Griya Kreasi | Depok | 2010 | 978-979-66 | House painting | 729.4 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
124 | 113008737 | Interior hunian elegan | Astrid Kusumowidagdo | Griya Kreasi | Depok | 2010 | 978-979-66 | Desain kamar tidur DESAIN INTERIOR | 729 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
125 | 113008731 | Tata cahaya interior rumah tinggal | Mariana Rahman Putri Dwimirnani | Penebar Swadaya | Depok | 2010 | 978-979-66 | Tata cahaya interior | 729.28 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
126 | 113004567 | Panduan lengkap membangun rumah bertingkat | Susanta, Gatut | Penebar Swadaya | Jakarta | 2009 | 9789796611041 | Desain rumah bertingkat Domestic architecture Dwellings--architecture | 728 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
127 | 113008725 | Ragam gaya interior sesuai kepribadian | Nurul Wulan Sari | Niaga Swadaya | Jakarta | 2010 | 978-979-66 | DESAIN INTERIOR | 729 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
128 | 113008719 | Pernak-pernik pemanis rumah : menata pernak-pernik di setiap sudut ruang | Agustin Rozalena Sufty Nurahmartiyanti | Penebar Swadaya | Depok | 2010 | 978-979-66 | Aksesoris rumah | 729.5 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
129 | 113008707 | Eksterior-interior hunian modern | Astrid Kusumowidagdo | Griya Kreasi | Depok | 2011 | 979-661-15 | DESAIN INTERIOR | 729 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
130 | 113008689 | Desain rumah minimalis di lahan 100-200 meter persegi | Hermansyah Yunus Aryanto | Griya Kreasi | Jakarta | 2011 | 979-661-13 | Desain rumah tinggal | 728 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
131 | 063964 | Frank Lloyd wright | Daniel Treiber | E & FN Spon | London | 1995 | Architecture | 720 | English | 3 | Text | Umum | |
132 | 061057 | Financial institutions and market | Madura, Jeff | Thomson | 2006 | FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS; MARKETS | 725.24 | English | 3 | Text | Umum | ||
133 | 0720385 | Homes today and tomorrow | Ruth F. Sherwood | Glencoe McGraw-Hill | New York | 1997 | HOMES | 728 | English | 4 | Text | Umum | |
134 | 07311068 | Konsep dan Desain: Rumah Tinggal | Dhewiberta Hardjono Suparno Sastra M | Andi | Yogyakarta | 2006 | 979-763-35 | KONSEP RUMAH TINGGAL | 729 | Indonesia | 3 | Text | Umum |
135 | 073205557 | Rekayasa Arsitektur dan Desain Interior Menggunakan ArchiCAD 8.1 | Suparno Sastra M | Andi | Yogyakarta | 2006 | 979-763-11 | ARCHICAD 8.1 Arsitektur | 729 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
136 | 073205287 | Arsitektur Sadar Energi | Prasasto Satwiko | Andi | Yogyakarta | 2005 | 979-731-79 | ARSITEKTUR - LINGKUNGAN | 720.47 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
137 | 073205419 | Konsep dan desain Rumah Tinggal | Suparno Sastra M | Andi | Yogyakarta | 2006 | 979-763-35 | RUMAH TINGGAL-DESAIN ARSITEKTUR-DESAIN | 729 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
138 | 073206224 | Lighting | Imelda Akmal | Gramedia Pustaka Utama | Jakarta | 2006 | 979-22-239 | PENCAHAYAAN-DESAIN INTERIOR-DESAIN ARSITEKTUR-DESAIN Lighting | 729 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
139 | 073206206 | Menata Apartemen | Imelda Akmal | Gramedia Pustaka Utama | Jakarta | 2007 | 979-22-246 | PENCAHAYAAN-DESAIN INTERIOR-DESAIN ARSITEKTUR-DESAIN Lighting | 729 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
140 | 073206200 | Menata rumah dengan warna | Imelda Akmal | Gramedia Pustaka Utama | Jakarta | 2006 | 979-22-206 | WARNA-DESAIN INTERIOR-DESAIN ARSITEKTUR-DESAIN | 729 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
141 | 073206242 | Seri Rumah Ide: Tangga Sebagai Ekspresi Ruang | Imelda Akmal | Gramedia Pustaka Utama | Jakarta | ARSITEKTUR-TANGGA | 721.8 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum | ||
142 | 073206212 | Seri Rumah Ide: Bouquet (Step by Step Merangkai Bunga) | Imelda Akmal | Gramedia Pustaka Utama | Jakarta | BOUQUET INTERIOR-DESAIN ARSITEKTUR-DESAIN | 729 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum | ||
143 | 073206218 | Seri Rumah Ide: Sofa Dari Daybed sampai Camelback | Imelda Akmal | Gramedia Pustaka Utama | Jakarta | SOFA INTERIOR-DESAIN ARSITEKTUR-DESAIN | 729 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum | ||
144 | 073207860 | Nilai-nilai arsitektur rumah tradisional Jawa | Arya Ronald | UGM Press | Yogyakarta | 2005 | 979-420-59 | Architecture | 720 | Indonesia | 12 | Text | Umum |
145 | 073207992 | Percikan Masalah Arsitektur Perumahan Perkotaan | Eko Budihardjo | UGM Press | Yogyakarta | 2006 | 979-420-31 | Arsitektur | 720 | Indonesia | 12 | Text | Umum |
146 | 073207982 | Percikan Masalah Arsitektur Perumahan Perkotaan | Eko Budihardjo | UGM Press | Yogyakarta | 2006 | 979-420-31 | Arsitektur | 720 | Indonesia | Text | Umum | |
147 | 073207374 | Faktor Akustik dalam Perancangan Disain Interior | J.Pamudji Suptandar | Djambatan | Jakarta | 2004 | 979-428-51 | DESAIN INTERIOR-AKUSTIK | 729.29 | Indonesia | 3 | Text | Umum |
148 | 073217485 | Kubingkai arsitek menjadi shiddiq | A.B. Mappaturi | UIN-Malang Press | Malang | 2007 | 979-24-296 | ARSITEK ; ISLAM | 720.92 | Indonesia | 9 | Text | Umum |
149 | 073218905 | Cat | Imelda Akmal (et.al) | Gramedia | Jakarta | 2007 | 979-22-232 | DESAIN CAT | 729.4 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
150 | 073219076 | Arsitektur modern akhir abad XIX dan abad XX | Yulianto Sumalyo | UGM Press | Yogyakarta | 2005 | 979-420-60 | Arsitektur modern Modern architecture ABAD XX Arsitektur | 724.7 | Indonesia | 20 | Text | Umum |
151 | 073218551 | Classic Elegant | Susilowati | Gramedia | Jakarta | 2007 | 979-22-268 | INTERIOR KLASIK | 724.2 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
152 | 073219240 | Sketsa bebas: sebuah pengantar | Paul Laseau | Erlangga | Jakarta | 2004 | Architectural design Architecture | 729.2 | Indonesia | 7 | Text | Umum | |
153 | 073213852 | Simply Simple: 100 Tips Desain Interior Modern | Yuni Jie | Gramedia Pustaka Utama | Jakarta | 2006 | INTERIOR-DESAIN | 729 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum | |
154 | 073219660 | Seri Menata Rumah: Ruang Kerja | Imelda Akmal | PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama | Jakarta | 2007 | 979-22-258 | Office Buildings Architecture | 725.23 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
155 | 103006199 | Cara cepat menghitung kebutuhan material dan pekerja dalam membangun rumah | Gatut Susanta | Penebar Swadaya | Jakarta | 2010 | Arsitektur--rumah tinggal Domestic architecture Residential buildings--architecture Dwellings--architecture Conventional housing--architecture | 728 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum | |
156 | 103006727 | Kolam ikan: ragam pilihan dan cara membuat | Susanto, Heru | Penebar Swadaya | Depok | 2010 | 9789790023888 | KOLAM IKAN ; BANGUNAN | 725.84 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
157 | 082003418 | Merencana Arsitektur Rumah Tinggal | ARS | ARS | Bandung | 1980 | ARSITEKTUR RUMAH | 728.4 | Indonesia | 1 | Text | Umum | |
158 | 093006653 | Feng Shui dan Arsitektur | Sidhi Wiguna Teh | Gramedia | Jakarta | 2007 | 979-22-330 | ARSITEKTUR-FILSAFAT | 721.010 133 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
159 | 093007097 | Agar Ruang Berkesan Luas ( 16 Innspirasi Desain untuk Rumah Tinggal,rumah susun,& Apartemen ) | Bayu Ismaya | Penebar Swadaya | Jakarta | 2007 | 979-26-363 | Desain Rumah | 729 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
160 | 093009127 | Mimpi Rumah Murah | Yu Sing | Trans Media | Jakarta | 2009 | 979-799-07 | Low-cost housing--architecture | 728.1 | Indonesia | 12 | Text | Umum |
161 | 092002648 | Imaratu al Masajid al 'Utsmaniyah | Mahmud Zainal 'Abidin | DAR QABIS | Beirut | 2006 | AL MASJID AL UTSMANI ARSITEKTUR BANGUNAN MASJID | 726.2 | العربية | 1 | Text | Umum | |
162 | 092002028 | buhutsu wa dirasat fi al 'Imarati al Islamiyati (al Kitabu al Tsani) | Muhammad Hamzah Isma'il al Haddad | DAR AL QAHIROH | Kairo | 2004 | SEJARAH BANGUNAN -BANGUNAN ISLAM ARSITEKTUR ISLAM | 727.297 | العربية | 1 | Text | Umum | |
163 | 092002003 | al Handasatu wa al Dikuru al Masrahi | Luwaiz Malika | AL HANDASAH AL MISHRIYAH AL AMMAH LILKITAB | 1995 | Arsitektur | 720.284 | العربية | 1 | Text | Umum | ||
164 | 113011149 | Menjadi arsitek semudah membalik tangan | Putra, Sitiatava Rizema | Harmoni | Jogjakarta | 2011 | 978-602-97 | Architecture | 720 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
165 | 092003692 | Fannu al 'Imarah | Sayyid Basyuni | al Yazuri | Amman | 2007 | 9957-07-11 | Arsitektur | 720 | العربية | 1 | Text | Umum |
166 | 092003328 | al Rasmu al Handasi | M. Ahmad Zaki Hilmi | Majmu'ah al Nil al 'Arabiyah | Kairo | 2005 | 977-377-01 | TEKNIK GAMBAR Architectural drawing | 720.284 | العربية | 1 | Text | Umum |
167 | 092003326 | al Handasatu al Dakhiliyatu lil Makatibi al Idariyah | Dr. 'Abdu al Rahim Syarah | Maktabah Zahra` al Syarqi | Kairo | 2001 | 977-314-12 | OFFICE LAYOUT KANTOR Arsitektur | 725.23 | العربية | 1 | Text | Umum |
168 | 092004052 | Madkhalu 'Ila Fanu al Matahifu | Rafiat Musa Muhamad | al Daru al Mushariyah | Qahirah | 2002 | 977-270-2 | DESAIN MUSEUM SENI ARSITEKTUR | 727.4 | العربية | 1 | Text | Umum |
169 | 092004025 | Tasyidu al Mabani' | Faruq Abas Haidar | Al Ma'arif | Iskandariyah | 2006 | Konstruksi BANGUNAN Arsitektur | 721 | العربية | 1 | Text | Umum | |
170 | 092004347 | الرسم المعماري | الدراسية، محمد عبد الله Muhammad 'Abdullah Duraisah | Darushofa | 'Aman | 2005 | DRAFTING ILLUSTRATIONS BUILDING DRAWING Architecture | 720.0221 | العربية | 1 | Text | Umum | |
171 | 092004227 | al Insya`atu al Mu'alaqah : Tiknulujiya al Insya`i | Sa'id Ali Khathab | Dar al Kutub al Ilmiyah | Kairo | 2003 | STRUKTUR DAN KONSTRUKSI BANGUNAN | 721 | العربية | 1 | Text | Umum | |
172 | 092005443 | Khamatu al Dikur | Dr. Mushthafa Ahmad | Dal al Fikri al 'Arabi | Kairo | 1989 | WOOD KAYU INTERIOR | 721.0448 | العربية | 1 | Text | Umum | |
173 | 092005406 | al Muqaddimah fi Dirasati al Anzhimah | Dr. 'Abdullah Kamil Musa 'Abduh | Dar al Afaq al 'Arabiyah | Kairo | 2003 | 977-344-05 | BANGUNAN BERSEJARAH ARSITEKTUR TIMUR TENGAH BANGUNAN-BANGUNAN ISLAM | 722.5 | العربية | 1 | Text | Umum |
174 | 092004808 | Tashmimu al Tashmim | Bazzam al Bazzaz | al Mu`assasah al 'Arabiyah | Bairut | 2002 | ARCHITECTURE STRUCTURE Architecture | 720 | العربية | 1 | Text | Umum | |
175 | 102000452 | Global City Blues | Daniel Solomon | ISLAND PRESS | Washington | 2003 | 1559631848 | City Planning ; Urbanization ; Architecture | 720.91732 | English | 4 | Text | Umum |
176 | 103006355 | 25 Desain Rumah Minimalis | Tim Penulis Griya Kreasi | Penebar Swadaya | Jakarta | 2010 | 979-26-367 | RUMAH-INTERIOR DEKORASI RUMAH-DESAIN INTERIOR | 728.1 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
177 | 103006361 | 21 Desain Atap Carport | Nia Noorrahmah | Penebar Swadaya | Jakarta | 2010 | 979-26-362 | ATAP-ARSITEKTUR | 721.5 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
178 | 103006859 | Membangun Masjid dan Mushola | Gatutu Susanta Rizka Kautsar Choirul Amin Nia Noorrahmah | Swadaya | Jakarta | 2007 | 979-26-364 | BANGUNAN KEAGAMAAN MASJID | 726.2 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
179 | 103012157 | Menggambar desain interior | Isma Iskandar | Kiblat Buku Utama dan Institut Teknologi Nasional (Itenas) Bandung | Bandung | 2010 | Arsitektur--desain interior INTERIOR DESIGN Architectural design | 729 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum | |
180 | 103012247 | Arsitektur dan kebudayaan Bali kuno berdasarkan kajian desa-desa tradisional di Bali | Dwijendra, Ngakan Ketut Acwin | Udayana University Press | Denpasar | 2008 | Architecture, Classical Architecture--History--Indonesia--Bali Architectural schools and styles | 720.95986 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum | |
181 | 103015511 | Membuat bangunan 3D dari denah 2D dengan AutoCAD | Sugianto, Mikael | Andi Offset | Yogyakarta | Architectural drawing--Software--AutoCAD Architectural rendering Entourage (Architectural rendering) Architecture--Working drawings Architectural drawing--Technique Architectural drawing | 720.284 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum | ||
182 | 103015523 | Rancang bangun 3 dimensi dengan AutoCAD | Wahana Komputer | Andi Offset | Yogyakarta | Architectural drawing--Software--AutoCAD Architectural rendering Entourage (Architectural rendering) Architecture--Working drawings Architectural drawing--Technique Architectural drawing | 720.284 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum | ||
183 | 103015529 | Desain arsitektur menggunakan AutoCAD dan 3D Max 2010 | Wahana Komputer | Andi Offset | Yogyakarta | Architectural drawing--Software--3D Max 2010 Architectural drawing--Software--AutoCAD Architectural rendering Entourage (Architectural rendering) Architecture--Working drawings Architectural drawing--Technique Architectural drawing | 720.284 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum | ||
184 | 103015481 | Aplikasi AutoCAD dan 3D Studio VIZ untuk desain interior | Mikael Sugianto | Andi Offset | Yogyakarta | Architectural drawing--Software--3D Studi VIZ Architectural drawing--Software--AutoCAD Architectural rendering Entourage (Architectural rendering) Architecture--Working drawings Architectural drawing--Technique Architectural drawing | 720.284 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum | ||
185 | 103015499 | Mendesain model arsitektur dengan ArchiCAD 10 | Wahana Computer | Andi Offset | Yogyakarta | Architectural drawing--Software--ArchiCAD Architectural rendering Entourage (Architectural rendering) Architecture--Working drawings Architectural drawing--Technique Architectural drawing | 720.284 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum | ||
186 | 103014803 | Modern Retro: Menghidupkan Gaya Mid-Century Modern | Ariavita P. Andrew Weaving Neil Bingham | Erlangga | Jakarta | 2006 | 978-979-01 | Interior modern retro DESAIN INTERIOR | 729 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
187 | 103015487 | ArchiCAD 10 untuk rancang bangun arsitektur | Suparno Sastra M. | Andi Offset | Yogyakarta | Architectural drawing--Software--ArchiCAD Architectural rendering Entourage (Architectural rendering) Architecture--Working drawings Architectural drawing--Technique Architectural drawing | 720.284 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum | ||
188 | 103015493 | Desain ruang interior perkantoran dengan ArchiCAD 12 | Wahana Computer | Andi Offset | Yogyakarta | Architectural drawing--Software--ArchiCAD Architectural rendering Entourage (Architectural rendering) Architecture--Working drawings Architectural drawing--Technique Architectural drawing | 720.284 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum | ||
189 | 103015505 | Rendering dan teknik presentasi desain arsitektur dengan ArchiCAD | Suparno Sastra M. | Andi Offset | Yogyakarta | Architectural drawing--Software--ArchiCAD Architectural rendering Entourage (Architectural rendering) Architecture--Working drawings Architectural drawing--Technique Architectural drawing | 720.284 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum | ||
190 | 103015517 | Merancang perkantoran dan perumahan menggunakan AutoCAD 2010 | Mikael Sugianto | Andi Offset | Yogyakarta | Architectural drawing--Software--AutoCAD Architectural rendering Entourage (Architectural rendering) Architecture--Working drawings Architectural drawing--Technique Architectural drawing | 720.284 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum | ||
191 | 103015577 | Desain pencahayaan arsitektural: Konsep pencahayaan artifisial pada ruang eksterior | Parmonangan Manurung | Andi Offset | Yogyakarta | 2009 | Desain pencahayaan arsitektural Dwellings--Lighting Electric lighting Light in architecture Lighting, Architectural and decorative Lighting--architectural design | 729.28 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum | |
192 | 103016363 | Desain arsitektur perkantoran dengan ArchiCAD 12 | Wahana Komputer | Andi Offset | Yogyakarta | 2009 | Desain arsitektur--perkantoran Office buildings--architecture | 725.23 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum | |
193 | 103016429 | AutoCAD 2010 untuk desain arsitektur professional | Wahana Komputer | Andi Offset | Yogyakarta | 2010 | Architectural drawing--Software--AutoCAD Architectural rendering Entourage (Architectural rendering) Architecture--Working drawings Architectural drawing--Technique Architectural drawing | 720.284 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum | |
194 | 103015829 | 22 Desain Rumah Modern Minimalis | Nistain Odop | Media Pressindo | Yogyakarta | 2010 | 978-979-78 | RUMAH-DESAIN INTERIOR | 728.1 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
195 | 103013411 | 18 desain rumah modern 1 lantai dari T30 hingga T200: Denah, tampak, dan perspektif | Bowo Prihatno | Andi Offset | Yogyakarta | 2010 | Multiple dwellings--architecture Domestic architecture Residential buildings--architecture Dwellings--architecture | 728.31 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum | |
196 | 103013417 | Glosari arsitektur: Kamus istilah dalam arsitektur | Uniek Praptiningrum W. | Andi Offset | Yogyakarta | 2009 | Architecture--dictionary | 720.3 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Referensi | |
197 | 103013423 | Membangun rumah tanpa arsitek: 17 desain rumah tinggal modern minimalis | E9 Architecture Writer | Andi Offset | Yogyakarta | 2007 | Residential buildings--architecture Dwellings--architecture Conventional housing--architecture | 728 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum | |
198 | 102001968 | al `Imaratu al `Arabiyatu al Islamiyatu | Muhammad Husain Judi | Daru al Masiratu | Aman | 2007 | al `Imaratu al `Arabiyatu `Imaratu Arsitektur | 723 | العربية | 2 | Text | Umum | |
199 | 113003871 | Panduan ujian saringan masuk gambar arsitektur | Theofilus Ray Yanuar Effendie Frangky Ariestya | Andi | Yogyakarta | 2010 | 978-979-29 | Panduan saringan masuk jurusan Arsitektur Arsitektur | 720 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
200 | 102003248 | Space planning basics | Karlen, Mark | John Wiley & Sons | New York | 2004 | Interior architecture Architectural decoration INTERIOR DESIGN Architectural design INTERIOR DECORATION | 729 | English | 3 | Text | Umum | |
201 | 102003175 | Architectural graphics | Ching, Francis DK. | John Wiley & Sons | New York | 2003 | Architectural rendering Architecture--Working drawings Architectural drawing--Technique Architectural drawing | 720.284 | English | 2 | Text | Umum | |
202 | 102003200 | Construction drawings and details for interiors | Rosemary Kilmer W. Oti Kilmer | John Wiley & Sons | New York | 2003 | Interior architecture Architectural decoration INTERIOR DESIGN Architectural design INTERIOR DECORATION | 729 | English | 5 | Text | Umum | |
203 | 113008779 | Arsitektur dan kota-kota di Jawa pada masa kolonial | Handinoto | Graha Ilmu | Yogyakarta | 2009 | 9789797566777 | Oriental architecture | 720.9598 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
204 | 113000163 | Masjid sebagai pusat pengembangan masyarakat : integrasi konsep habluminallah, habluminannas, dan habluminal'alam | Aisyah Nur Handryant | UIN Maliki Press | Malang | 2010 | 978-602-95 | Arsitektur masjid | 726.2 | Indonesia | 7 | Text | Umum |
205 | 113010873 | Merancang bersama alam | Sugeng Gunadi (translator) Ian L. Mcharg | Airlangga University Press | Surabaya | 2005 | 979-3557-4 | Arsitektur berkelanjutan Filsafat arsitektur | 720.1 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
206 | 113001681 | Bangunan rumah sakit : pelayanan, arsitektur, dan konstruksi | Boy Subirosa Sabarguna | Salemba Empat | Jakarta | 2011 | 978-602-85 | Arsitektur rumah sakit Hospitals--Design and construction Hospitals--architecture Health care facilities--architecture | 725.51 | Indonesia | 15 | Text | Umum |
207 | 113001147 | Arsitektur, lingkungan dan perilaku : pengantar ke teori, metodologi dan aplikasi | Setiawan, B. Haryadi | Gadjah Mada University Press | Yogyakarta | 2010 | 979-420-73 | Environment--architectural consideration Architecture--Environmental aspects LINGKUNGAN Arsitektur | 720.47 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
208 | 113006181 | Kekayaan dan kelenturan arsitektur | Arya Ronald | Muhammadiyah University Press | Surakarta | 2008 | 978-979-63 | Teori arsitektur Filsafat arsitektur | 720.1 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
209 | 113004447 | 28 rumah tingkat di lahan lebar 8 cm | Tim Arc7 | Swadaya | Jakarta | 2010 | 978-979-66 | Dwellings--architecture Conventional housing--architecture | 728 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
210 | 113009319 | Desain fasad rumah ala real estat | Nanang Setiawan Bambang Ekajaya | Penebar Swadaya | Jakarta | 2011 | 978-979-66 | Desain-Fasade rumah Facades--architectural design | 729.1 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
211 | 113009325 | Rumah etnik modern di lahan 60-100 m2 | Irene Noviana Dani Indradi | Penebar Swadaya | Jakarta | 2011 | 978-979-66 | Desain rumah tinggal modern Domestic architecture Conventional housing--architecture | 728 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
212 | 113006835 | Panduan lengkap mendesain interior dan furnitur kontemporer dengan 3DS MAX | Michael Kristiawan | AITI | Yogyakarta | 2010 | 9786029682 | Furniture 3DS MAX DESAIN INTERIOR | 729 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
213 | 113010609 | Pembuatan maket (basics) | Agus Tiono [et al] (translator) Alexander Schilling | Erlangga | Jakarta | 2010 | 978-979-09 | Model bangunan Maket | 720.22 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
214 | 113010603 | Basics desain dan kehidupan | Krebs, Jan Tiono, Agus | Erlangga | Jakarta | 2010 | 9789790992504 | Architecture-Philosophy Filsafat arsitektur | 720.1 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
215 | 113010579 | Konstruksi kayu (basics) | Ludwig Steiger Agus Tiono [et al] (translator) | Erlangga | Jakarta | 2010 | 978-979-09 | Wood-architectural construction KONSTRUKSI KAYU | 721.0448 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
216 | 122000247 | Ritual house : drawing on nature's rhythms for architecture and urban design | Knowles, Ralph L. | ISLANDPRESS | Washington | 2006 | Architecture--Environmental aspects Architecture -- Human factors City planning | 720.47 | English | 2 | Text | Umum | |
217 | 122000678 | Rumah ramah lingkungan : interpretasi arsitektural konsep Islam dalam hunian | Nunik Junara Yulia Eka Putrie | UIN Malang Press | Malang | 2009 | 9792430695 | Rumah ramah lingkungan Arsitektur dan lingkungan | 720.47 | Indonesia | 4 | Text | Umum |
218 | 122000690 | Cahaya dalam arsitektur : perspektif Islam | Ernaning Setyowati | UIN Malang Press | Malang | 2009 | 7292430687 | Architectural and decorative Desain pencahayaan arsitektural Lighting--architectural design | 729.28 | Indonesia | 4 | Text | Umum |
219 | 132001184 | Proceeding seminar nasional riset arsitektur dan perencanaan : humanisme, arsitektur, dan perencanaan | Sani Roychansyah [et al] | Jurusan Arsitektur dan Perencanaan Fakultas Teknik UGM | Yogyakarta | 2010 | 978-602-96 | PERENCANAAN Arsitektur | 720 | Indonesia | 1 | Text | Referensi |
220 | 132000894 | Imaratu al masajid al anmudzij al su'udi libina`i buyuti Allahi | TIM al Wadzaratu al i'lam | Wadzaratu al 'iilam | Saudi Arabiyah | 1996 | Arsitektur masjid Saudi Arabiyah MASJID | 726.2 | العربية | 1 | Text | Umum | |
221 | 123000120 | Contemporary architecture of islamic societies between globalization and traditions | M.Alaa mandour Yulia Eka Putrie | UIN Maliki Press | Malang | 2011 | 978-602-95 | Islam-Arsitektur | 720.1 | Indonesia | 8 | Text | Umum |
222 | 123000765 | Fenomenologi dalam konteks arsitektur | Laksmi G. Siregar | UI Press | Jakarta | 2005 | 979-456-31 | Filsafat arsitektur | 720.1 | Indonesia | 8 | Text | Umum |
223 | 123003963 | Arsitektur, lingkungan dan perilaku : pengantar ke teori, metodologi, dan aplikasi | Setiawan, B. Haryadi | Gadjah Mada University Press | Yogyakarta | 2010 | 9794207349 | Arsitektur lingkungan Environment--architectural consideration Architecture--Environmental aspects | 720.47 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
224 | 123005073 | Motif ornamentasi situs candi kerajaan Singosari | Swardono Andi Harisman Yulianus Hutabarat Lalu Mulyadi | Inti Media | Malang | 2010 | 978-602-95 | Buddhist temples and shrine Architecture | 726.143 | Indonesia | 7 | Text | Umum |
225 | 123004381 | Settlement of batik entrepreneurs in Surakarta | Naniek Widayati | Gadjah Mada University Press | Yogyakarta | 2004 | 979-420-54 | Domestic architecture | 728 | English | 8 | Text | Umum |
226 | 123004864 | 20 rumah ekologis Atelier Riri | Siti Arfah Annisa Diona Ratrixia Ni Wayan Sawitri Imelda Akmal | Gramedia Pustaka Utama | Jakarta | 2012 | 978-979-22 | Rumah ekologis Desain rumah tinggal | 728 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
227 | 123006308 | Arsitektur bangunan suci Hindu : berdasarkan asta kosala-kosali | Ngakan Ketut Acwin Dwijendra | Udayana Univesity Press | Bali | 2010 | 978-979-82 | Arsitektur bangunan Hindu Arsitektur pura | 726.1 | Indonesia | 8 | Text | Umum |
228 | 123006372 | Arsitektur tradisional Bali di ranah publik | Ngakan Ketut Acwin Dwijendra | Bali Media Adhikarsa | Denpasar | 2010 | 978-602-85 | Arsitektur tradisional Bali | 720.95986 | Indonesia | 8 | Text | Umum |
229 | 123008208 | 101 inspirasi sudut ruang | Imelda Akmal [et. al] | Gramedia Pustaka Utama | Jakarta | 2012 | 978-979-22 | Dekorasi rumah | 729.5 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
230 | 123009104 | Aneka kreasi desain interior khusus rumah berbasis gebyok | Putra, Sitiatava Rizema | Harmoni | Yogyakarta | 2011 | 978-602-97 | INTERIOR DESIGN DESAIN INTERIOR | 729 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
231 | 123009092 | Kursus kilat desain interior rumah bagi pemula : panduan mendesain dan mempercantik rumah | Ibnu Khalis | Harmoni | Yogyakarta | 2010 | 978-602-97 | INTERIOR DESIGN DESAIN INTERIOR | 729 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
232 | 123010687 | Google sketchup 8 untuk interior realistik (menggunakan sketchup 8 versi gratis) | Handi Chandra | Maxicom Palembang | Palembang | 2012 | 978-979-13 | Architecture--Working drawings Architectural drawing--Technique Architectural drawing | 720.284 | Indonesia | 7 | Text | Umum |
233 | 123011914 | Desain interior dengan ilustrasi / edisi kedua | Corry Binggeli Ching, Francis D.K. | Indeks | Jakarta | 2011 | 9789790620 | INTERIOR DESIGN DESAIN INTERIOR | 729 | Indonesia | 8 | Text | Umum |
234 | 123011874 | Grafik arsitektur | Ching, Francis D.K. | PT Indeks | Jakarta | 2010 | 978-979-06 | Architectural design Desain arsitektur | 729 | Indonesia | 9 | Text | Umum |
235 | 123011205 | Merancang rumah minimalis dengan ArchiCAD 14 (instan dan realistik) | Handi Chandra | Maxikom | Palembang | 2011 | 9789791399 | Drawing Software ArchiCAD 14 Architectural drawing | 720.284 | Indonesia | 7 | Text | Umum |
236 | 123013061 | Pencahayaan alami dalam arsitektur | Parmonangan Manurung | Andi | Yogyakarta | 2012 | 978-979-29 | Ornamental glass--architectural decoration | 729.8 | Indonesia | 7 | Text | Umum |
237 | 123013194 | Etika dan estetika : cara-cara berasitektur dengan bijak | Pratikno, Priyo | Andi Yogyakarta | Yogyakarta | 2011 | 9789792926675 | Architecture--Aesthetics Architecture--Philosophy | 720.1 | Indonesia | 7 | Text | Umum |
238 | 133000583 | Rumah etnik Bali | Arrafiani | Griya Kreasi | Jakarta | 2012 | 9789796612 | Desain rumah etnik Domestic architecture Conventional housing--architecture | 728 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
239 | 123013625 | Master plan pembangunan rumah sakit / seri profesional manajemen rumah sakit 2 | Boy Subirosa Sabarguna | Salemba Medika | Jakarta | 2011 | 978-602-85 | Hospital building Bangunan rumah sakit | 725.51 | Indonesia | 9 | Text | Umum |
240 | 123013652 | Studi kelayakan pembangunan rumah sakit / seri profesional manajemen rumah sakit 1 | Boy Subirosa Sabarguna | Salemba Medika | Jakarta | 2011 | 978-602-85 | Hospital building Bangunan rumah sakit | 725.51 | Indonesia | 9 | Text | Umum |
241 | 133001006 | How architects write | Rebecca Damron Tom Spector | Routledge | New York | 2013 | 9780415891 | Miscellany Architectural writing | 720.2 | English | 2 | Text | Umum |
242 | 123012851 | Visualisasi desain rumah dengan 3D studio max dan pinnacle studio | C. Widyo Hermawan | Andi | Semarang | 2009 | 978-979-29 | Desain Rumah | 729 | Indonesia | 7 | Text | Umum |
243 | 133000974 | Automobile architecture | Chris van Uffelen | Braun Publishing | 2011 | 9783037680 | Parking facilities--architecture Automobile architecture | 725.38 | English | 1 | Text | Umum | |
244 | 133000970 | Cinema architecture | Chris van Uffelen | Braun Publishing | 2009 | 9783037680 | Theater architecture Opera houses--architecture Theaters (Buildings)--architecture | 725.822 | English | 1 | Text | Umum | |
245 | 133000971 | Stations | Chris van Uffelen | Braun Publishing | 2010 | 9783037680 | Railroad terminals--architecture Railroad passenger stations--architecture Subway stations--architecture | 725.31 | English | 2 | Text | Umum | |
246 | 123013082 | Total desain arsitektur dan struktur desain + RAB | Imam Nuryanto | Andi | Yogyakarta | 2012 | 978-979-29 | Architectural drawing | 720.284 | Indonesia | 7 | Text | Umum |
247 | 133000892 | Ken Yeang : eco skyscapers | Ivor Richards | Images Publishing | Malaysia | 2007 | 978-1-8647 | Tall buildings Skyscrapers | 720.483 | English | 2 | Text | Umum |
248 | 133000968 | Doctors' practices | Michelle Galindo | Braun Publishing | Berlin | 2011 | 978-3-0376 | Doctors' practices architecture Health care facilities--architecture | 725.51 | English | 1 | Text | Umum |
249 | 133000910 | New exhibition design 2 | Jacobo Krauel | Basheer Graphic Books | Singapore | 2011 | 9789810873 | Desain ruang pameran Exhibition buildings--architecture Convention centers--architecture | 725.91 | English | 1 | Text | Umum |
250 | 133000911 | Modern construction envelopes | Andrew Watts | SpringerWienNewYork | Austria | 2011 | 9783709102 | Facades Facades--architectural design | 729.1 | English | 1 | Text | Umum |
251 | 133000912 | Public places - urban space : the dimention of urban design / second edition | Matthew Carmona, [et. al] | Architectural Press | Oxford | 2010 | 9781851678 | Public structures Public buildings--architecture Desain bangunan publik | 725 | English | 1 | Text | Umum |
252 | 133000967 | Airport interiors : design for business | Emberson Steve Thomas | John wiley & sons Ltd | West Sussex | 2007 | 9780470034 | Airports--architecture Arsitektur bandara | 725.39 | English | 1 | Text | Umum |
253 | 133000958 | Libraries and learning resource centres / second edition | Edwards, Brian | Architectural Press | Oxford | 2009 | 9781856176 | Arsitektur perpustakaan Library architecture Library buildings--architecture | 727.8 | English | 1 | Text | Umum |
254 | 133000965 | Kindergartens educational spaces | Galindo, Michelle | Braun Publishing AG | Deutsche | 2011 | 9783037680 | Kindergarten building school buildings--architecture | 727.1 | English | 1 | Text | Umum |
255 | 133000902 | Magic metal : building of steel, alumunium, copper and tin | Dirk Mayhofer | Verlagshaus Braun | Deutsche | 2008 | 9783938780 | Metals--architectural construction | 721.0447 | English | 1 | Text | Umum |
256 | 133000613 | Basics : ide-ide desain | Sebastian El Khouli Bert Bielefeld | Erlangga | Jakarta | 2007 | 9786022415 | Architectural design Desain arsitektur | 721 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
257 | 133000954 | Building type basics for healthcare facilities / second edition | Richard L. Kobus [et al.] | Wiley | New Jersey | 2008 | 9780470135 | Health care facilities--architecture | 725.51 | English | 1 | Text | Umum |
258 | 133000577 | Rumah etnik Sunda | Hafizh A. Nugraha Hendi Anwar | Griya Kreasi | Jakarta | 2013 | 9789796612 | Desain rumah etnik Domestic architecture Conventional housing--architecture | 728 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Umum |
259 | 133000909 | Reading architecture : a visual lexicon | Owen Hopkins | Laurence King Publishing | London | 2012 | 9781856697 | Structures--architecture Buildings--architecture Architecture | 720 | English | 1 | Text | Umum |
260 | 133000896 | Islam : Art and architecture | Peter Delius Markus Hattstein | Ullman | Potsdam | 2004 | Islamic architecture | 729 | English | 2 | Text | Umum | |
261 | 133000966 | Shopping deluxe | Friederike Krump Miriam Loetz | Page One | Singapore | 2011 | 9789814286 | Shopping malls-interior design Shopping malls--architecture | 725.21 | Indonesia | 1 | Text | Umum |
262 | 133000709 | Ensiklopedia seni dan arsitektur Islam | Azra, Azyumardi | Erlangga | Jakarta | 2012 | 9789790996 | ARSITEKTUR ISLAM | 720.103 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Referensi |
263 | 133000973 | Designing the world's best children's hospital | Komiske, Bruce King | Images Publishing | Victoria | 2005 | 9781920744 | Rumah sakit anak Children's hospital--architecture Children--institutional buildings--architecture | 725.57 | Indonesia | 1 | Text | Umum |
264 | 132004810 | Hemat energi dan lestari lingkungan melalui bangunan | Christina E. Mediastika | Andi | Yogyakarta | 2013 | 9789792934 | Buildings--Environmental engineering Architecture--Environmental Architecture and the environment | 720.47 | Indonesia | 1 | Text | Umum |
265 | 143000002 | Places of the soul : architecture and environmental design as healing art | Day, Christopher | Roudledge | New York | 2014 | 9780415702430 | Architecture--Psychological aspects Architecture--Environmental aspects | 720.47 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
266 | 143000010 | Auditorium acoustics and architectural design | Barron, Michael | Spon press | New York | 2010 | 9780419245100 | Music-Halls--Great Britain Architectural acoustics | 725.81 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
267 | 143000020 | The art of structures: introduction to the functioning of structures in architecture | Muttoni, Aurelio | EPFL Press | New York | 2011 | 9782940222384 | Structural elements--architecture Architectural structure | 721 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
268 | 143000054 | Design innovation for the built environment : research by design and the renovation of practice | Hensel, Michael U. | Routledge | New York | 2012 | 9780415596657 | ARCHITECTURE PRACTICE ARCHITECTURE - RESEARCH | 720.72 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
269 | 143000063 | Elements of architecture : from form to place + tectonics | Hakola, Theo Meiss, Pierre Von | Routledge | New York | 2013 | 9780415831253 | Structural elements--architecture Architectural structure | 721 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
270 | 143000040 | The healthy indoor environment : how to assess accupants' wellbeing in buildings | Bluyssen, Philomena M. | Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group) | Abingdon | 2014 | 9780415822756 | Buildings-Environmental engineering Architecture -- Human factors | 720.286 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
271 | 143000070 | Frank Lloyd wright's sacred architecture : faith, form, and building technology | Geva, Anat | Roudledge | Oxon | 2012 | 9780415775083 | Religious buildings architecture | 726 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
272 | 143000071 | Diagramming the big idea : methods for architectural composition | Swisher, Michael T. Balmer, Jeffrey | Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group) | New York | 2012 | 9780415894098 | Architecture--composition Architectural design Desain arsitektur | 720.284 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
273 | 143000049 | Retrofit for purpose : low energy renewal of non-domestic buildings | Penoyre & Prasad | RIBA Publishing | London | 2014 | 9781859465141 | Energy--architectural consideration Architecture and energy conservation Retrofit | 720.472 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
274 | 143000101 | Seeing and making in architecture : design exercises | Miyasaka, Taiji | Routledge | New York | 2014 | 9780415621847 | Architectural design--Problems | 720.28 | English | 2 | Text | Textbook |
275 | 143000041 | Analysing architecture | Unwin, Simon | Routledge | Oxon | 2014 | 9780415719179 | Architectural design--Case studies Architectural design | 729 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
276 | 143000076 | Material strategies in digital fabrication | Beorkrem, Christopher | Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group) | London and New York | 2013 | 9780415533669 | Bahan bangunan Building materials Manufacturing processes Architecture | 721.04 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
277 | 143000074 | Culture, architecture and nature : an ecological design retrospective | Ryn, Sim Van der | Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group) | London and New York | 2014 | 9780415839679 | Environment--architectural consideration Architecture--Environmental aspects Architecture | 720.47 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
278 | 143000088 | Process : material and representation in architecture | Borden, Gail Peter | Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group) | London and New York | 2014 | 9780415522649 | Architectural design Architecture | 720 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
279 | 143000115 | Dwelling with architecture | Platt, Christopher Kemsley, Roderick | Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group) | London and New York | 2012 | 9780415569040 | Dwellings Domestic architecture Architecture | 728 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
280 | 143000109 | Environment, technology and sustainability vol. 2 | Sharples, Stephen Bougdah, Hocine | Taylor and Francis | New York | 2010 | 9780415403795 | Sustainable architecture Architecture--Environmental aspects Architecture | 720.47 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
281 | 143000107 | Designing tall buildings : structure as architecture | Sarkisian, Mark | Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group) | London and New York | 2012 | 9780415894807 | Multistory buildings Tall buildings Skyscrapers | 720.483 | English | 2 | Text | Textbook |
282 | 143000108 | Architectural theories of the environment : posthuman territory | Harrison, Ariane Lourie | Routledge | New York | 2013 | 9780415506199 | Environment--architectural consideration Architecture--Environmental aspects | 720.47 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
283 | 143000120 | Daylighting : architecture and lighting design | Wilson, Michael Tregenza, Peter | Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group) | New York | 2011 | 9780419257004 | Lighting--architectural and decorative Space (architecture) Electric lighting Light in architecture Lighting--architectural design | 729.28 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
284 | 143000134 | Revealing architectural design : methods, frameworks and tools | Plowright, Philip D. | Routledge | Oxon | 2014 | 9780415639026 | INTERIOR DESIGN Architectural design | 729 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
285 | 143000161 | Site analysis : informing context-sensitive and sustainable site planning and design | LaGro Jr, James A. | John Wiley & Sons | Hoboken, New Jersey | 2013 | 9781118123676 | Building site--Environmental aspects Building sites--Planning Site planning--architecture Building site | 720.28 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
286 | 143000163 | Sustainable commercial interiors | Minchew, Summer Sosnowchik, Katie Bonda, Penny | John Wiley & Sons | Hoboken, New Jersey | 2014 | 9781118456293 | Commercial buildings--Design and construction Office buildings Sustainable buildings -- Design and construction Sustainable design Interior architecture | 725.23047 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
287 | 143000170 | Sustainable facades : design methods for high performance building envelopes | Aksamija, Ajla | John Wiley & Sons | Hoboken, New Jersey | 2013 | 9781118458600 | Facades Facades--architectural design | 729.1 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
288 | 143000171 | Rendering in SketchUp : from modelling to presentation for architecture, landscape, and interior design | Tal, Daniel | John Wiley & Sons | Hoboken, New Jersey | 2013 | 9780470642191 | Architectural rendering Architectural drawing | 720.284 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
289 | 143000174 | Building type basics for senior living | Eastman, Perkins | John Wiley & Sons | Hoboken, New Jersey | 2013 | 9781118007457 | Retirement communities--Design and construction Life care communities--Design and construction Nursing homes--United States--Design and construct Adult day care centers--United States--Design and Old age homes--Unites States--Design and construct Older people--dwelling--United States | 725.560973 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
290 | 143000189 | Drawing architecture | Alsop, Will [et al.] | John Wiley & Sons | London | 2013 | 9781118418796 | Architectural rendering Architectural drawing--Technique Architectural drawing | 720.284 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
291 | 143000192 | Guidelines for laboratory : health, safety, and environmental considerations | DiBerardinis, Louis J. [et al.] | John Wiley & Sons | Hoboken, New Jersey | 2013 | 9780470505526 | Laboratories--Safety measures Laboratories--Design and construction Research buildings--architecture Laboratories--architecture | 727.5 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
292 | 143000196 | Building type basic for college and university facilities | Neuman, David J. | John Wiley & Sons | Hoboken, New Jersey | 2013 | 9781118008027 | College facilities--planning College buildings CAMPUS PLANNING | 727.3 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
293 | 143000197 | Architectural technology : research and practice | Emmit, Stephen | Wiley-Blackwell | West Sussex | 2013 | 9781118292068 | Architecture--Research Architecture--Technological innovations Architecture and technology | 720.72 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
294 | 143000204 | Becoming an architect : a guide to careers in design | Waldrep, Lee W. | John Wiley & Sons | Hoboken, New Jersey | 2014 | 9781118612132 | Architecture--vocational guidance | 720.23 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
295 | 143000209 | Performance oriented architecture : rethinking architectural design and the built environment | Hensel, Michael | John Wiley & Sons | West Sussex | 2013 | 9780470973318 | Environment--architectural consideration Architecture--Environmental aspects | 720.47 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
296 | 143000210 | Ornament : the politics of architecture and subjectivity | Picon, Antoine | John Wiley & Sons | West Sussex | 2013 | 9781119965954 | Decoration and ornament--Architectural | 729.5 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
297 | 143000389 | Designing architecture : the elements of process | Pressman, Andrew | Routledge | London | 2012 | 9780415595162 | Architectural design | 720 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
298 | 143000420 | Sustainable healthcare architecture | Vittori, Gail Guenther, Robin | John Wiley & Sons | Hoboken, New Jersey | 2013 | 9781118086827 | Health facilities--Design and construction Hospital architecture--Environmental aspects Sustainable architecture | 725.51 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
299 | 143000419 | Exterior building enclosures : design process and composition for innovative facades | Boswell, C. Keith | John Wiley & Sons | Hoboken, New Jersey | 2013 | 9780470881279 | Drawing and presentation Architecture--Drafting Buildings--Protection Exterior walls Architectural design | 721.8 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
300 | 143000465 | The skycourt and skygarden : greening the urban habitat | Pomeroy, Jason | Routledge | New York | 2014 | 9780415636995 | Urban gardens Courtyards Tall buildings--Social aspects Public spaces Architecture -- Human factors | 720.4 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
301 | 143000467 | Eleven exercises in the art of architectural drawing : slow food for the architect's imagination | Frascari, Marco | Routledge | New York | 2011 | 9780415779265 | Gambar arsitektur -- Teknik Architectural drawing--Technique | 720.284 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
302 | 143000472 | Lessons from vernacular architecture | Yannas, Simons Weber, Willi | Routledge | Oxon | 2014 | 9781844076000 | Vernacular architecture Sustainable architecture | 720.9 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
303 | 143000506 | Kenzo Tange and the Metabolist Movement : urban utopias of modern Japan | Lin, Zhongjie | Routledge | New York | 2010 | 9780415776608 | City planning--Japan--History--20th century Visionary architecture--Japan Metabolism in architecture (Movement) Tange, Kenzo--Criticism and interpretation | 720.95209046 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
304 | 152000129 | Contemporary architecture of Islamic societies : between globalization and tradition | Putrie, Yulia Eka Utaberta, Nangkula | UIN Maliki Press | Malang | 2013 | 9786029584646 | Architecture--Islamic societies Islamic architecture | 726.2 | English | 4 | Text | Textbook |
305 | 153000125 | The minaret | Bloom, Jonathan M. | Edinburgh University Press | Edinburgh | 2013 | 9780748637256 | Mosques--architecture Minarets--architecture Islamic shrines--architecture | 726.2 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
306 | 153000266 | Interpreting site : studies in perception, representation, and design | Baudoin, Genevieve S. | Routledge | New York | 2016 | 9781138020771 | Building sites--Planning Architectural design | 720.28 | English | 2 | Text | Textbook |
307 | 153000296 | The shrines of the 'Alids in medieval Syria : Sunnis, Shi'is and the architecture of coexistence | Hillenbrand, Robert Mulder, Stephennie | Edinburgh University Press | Edinburgh | 2014 | 9780748645794 | Mosques--architecture Minarets--architecture Islamic shrines--architecture | 726.2 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
308 | 153000303 | Better library and learning space : projects, trends, and ideas | Watson, Les | Facet Publishing | London | 2013 | 9781856047630 | Gedung perpustakaan -- Perencanaan Learning spaces -- Planning Libraries -- Space utilization Library buildings -- Planning Library architecture | 724.6 | English | 2 | Text | Textbook |
309 | 153000308 | Architecture and climate : an environmental history of British architecture 1600-2000 | Hawkes, Dean | Routledge | Oxon | 2012 | 9780415561877 | British architecture Architecture and climate--Great Britain | 720.470941 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
310 | 153000309 | Developing your design process : six keys concepts for studio | Smith, Kendra Schank Smith, Albert C. | Routledge | New York | 2015 | 9780415840729 | Architectural design | 729 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
311 | 153000312 | Architecture and systems ecology : thermodynamic principles of environmental building design, in three parts | Braham, William W. | Routledge | Oxon | 2016 | 9781138846074 | Bionics Buildings--Mechanical equipment--Energy consumptio Buidings--Mechanical equipment--Energy consumption Buildings--Thermal properties Sustainable buildings Architecture and energy conservation Buildings--Environmental engineering | 720.47 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
312 | 153000321 | Conversations with form : a workbook for students of architecture | Teicher, Jonathan Mignucci, Andrés Habraken, n. John | Routledge | Oxon | 2014 | 9780415702522 | Architecture--proportion Architecture--composition Architectural design | 720.76 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
313 | 153000323 | The art of city sketching : a field manual | Abrams, Michael C. | Routledge | New York | 2014 | 9780415817813 | Architectural drawing--Technique Architectural drawing | 720.284 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
314 | 153000324 | Digital vernacular : architectural principles, tools, and processes | Nelson, Ralph Stevens, James | Routledge | New York | 2015 | 9781138017122 | Vernacular architecture--Technological innovations Architectural design--Data processing Computer-aided design | 720.285 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
315 | 153000329 | The green studio handbook : environmental strategies for schematic design | Grondzik, Walter T. Kwok, Alison G. | Architectural Press | Oxon | 2011 | 9780080890524 | Sustainable architecture--Case studies Building--Technological innovations Sustainable architecture Architecture--Environmental aspects | 720.47 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
316 | 153000328 | Sustainable architectural design : an overview | Iyengar, Kuppaswamy | Routledge | New York | 2015 | 9780415702355 | Sustainable architecture Architectural design | 720.47 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
317 | 153000327 | Collage and architecture | Shields, Jennifer A.E. | Routledge | New York | 2014 | 9780415533270 | Collage Architectural design--Methodology Architectural design | 729 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
318 | 153000330 | Art and architecture in the Islamic tradition : aesthetics, politics, and desire in early Islam | Alami, Mohammed Hamdouni | IB Tauris | London | 2014 | 9781780765617 | Architecture--Islamic tradition Islamic art Islamic architecture | 726.2 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
319 | 153000394 | Metalwork and material culture in the Islamic world : art, craft, and text | Rosser-Owen, Mariam Porter, Venetia | IB Tauris | New York | 2012 | 9781780763231 | Metals--architectural decoration Islamic art | 729.6 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
320 | 153000717 | The origins of visual culture in the Islamic world : aesthetics, art, and architecture in early Islam | Alami, Mohammed Hamdouni | IB Tauris | New York | 2015 | 9781784530402 | Islamic art Islamic architecture | 726.2 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
321 | 153001577 | Kamus visual arsitektur | Indraprastha, Aswin Ching, Francis D.K. | Erlangga | Jakarta | 2012 | 9786022417378 | Kamus visual arsitektur Architecture Arsitektur | 720 | Indonesia | 5 | Text | Textbook |
322 | 153001787 | Grafik arsitektur | Indraprastha, Aswin Ching, Francis D.K. | Erlangga | Jakarta | 2009 | 9786022411932 | Architectural design Desain arsitektur | 729 | Indonesia | 3 | Text | Textbook |
323 | 153002141 | Menggambar desain | Juroszek, Steven P. Tanuwijaya, B. Sendra Ching, Francis D.K. | Indeks | Jakarta | 2014 | 9789790624146 | Teknik menggambar desain—Arsitektur Architectural drawing--Technique Architectural drawing | 720.284 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Textbook |
324 | 153002144 | Architectural conservation award Bandung : penghargaan konservasi bangunan cagar budaya | Hartono, Dibyo | Remaja Rosdakarya | Bandung | 2014 | 9789796925414 | Konservasi bangunan cagar budaya Bandung Historic buildings--Conservation and restoration Architecture--Conservation and restoration | 720.288 | Indonesia | 3 | Text | Textbook |
325 | 153002147 | Sundanese architecture | Salura, Purnama | Remaja Rosdakarya | Bandung | 2015 | 9789796921843 | Arsitektur Sunda Sundanese architecture Vernacular architecture | 720.9 | Indonesia | 3 | Text | Textbook |
326 | 172000062 | Airport design | Akmal, Imelda | Imaji Media Pustaka | Jakarta | 2016 | 9786029260342 | Airports--architecture Arsitektur bandara | 725.39 | Indonesia | 1 | Text | Textbook |
327 | 173000021 | Architecture competition : project design and the building process | Silberberger, Jan Strebel, Ignaz | Routledge | New York | 2017 | 9781472469984 | Arsitektur -- Kompetisi Architecture -- Competitions | 720.79 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
328 | 173000026 | The ethics of a potential urbanism : critical encounters between Giogio Agamben and architecture | Boano, Camillo | Routledge | New York | 2016 | 9781138687707 | Perencanaan kota -- Filsafat City planning -- Philosophy | 720.1 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
329 | 173000011 | On discomfort : moments in a modern history of architectural culture | Leach, Andrew Ellison, David | Routledge | Abingdon, Oxon | 2017 | 9781472455338 | Kenyamanan manusia Arsitektur -- Faktor manusia Human comfort Architecture -- Human factors | 720.103 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
330 | 173000012 | House and home : cultural contexts, ontological roles | Barrie, Thomas | Routledge | Abingdon, Oxon | 2017 | 9781138947184 | Arsitektur rumah tinggal -- Filsafat Home Architecture, Domestic--Themes, motives | 728 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
331 | 173000013 | Frank Lloyd Wright : the early years : progressivism : aesthetics : cities | Johnson, Donald Leslie | Routledge | Abingdon, Oxon | 2017 | 9781472458025 | Arsitektur -- Filsafat Architecture -- Philosophy Wright, Frank Lloyd, 1867-1959 | 720.92 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
332 | 173000046 | Architect's pocket book / fifth edition | Baden-Powell, Charlotte Ross, Ann Hetreed, Jonathan | Routledge | Abingdon, Oxon | 2017 | 9781138643994 | Great Britain Building Architecture Arsitektur | 720.941 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
333 | 173000047 | Design management | Emmitt, Stephen | Routledge | Abingdon, Oxon | 2017 | 9781138930667 | Industri konstruksi -- Manajemen Construction industry -- Management Architectural practice -- Management Architectural design Desain arsitektur | 729 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
334 | 173000048 | Understanding tall buildings : a theory of placemaking | Al-Kodmany, Kheir | Routledge | New York | 2017 | 9781138811423 | Bangunan tinggi Space (architecture) Tall buildings Architectural design Desain arsitektur City planning | 720.48 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
335 | 173000051 | The living tradition of architecture | Paiva, José de | Routledge | Abingdon, Oxon | 2017 | 9781138640504 | Arsitektur dan sejarah Architecture and history | 720.9 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
336 | 173000057 | Energy modeling in architectural design | Bandhosseini, Kaveh Alagheh Hemsath, Timothy | Routledge | New York | 2017 | 9781138889392 | Arsitektur dan konservasi energi Buildings -- Energy conservation- - Computer simulation Architecture and energy conservation | 720.472 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
337 | 173000062 | Rethinking basic design in architectural education : foundations past and future | Özkar, Mine | Routledge | New York | 2017 | 9781138825420 | Desain -- Belajar dan mengajar Arsitektur -- Belajar dan mengajar Design -- Study and teaching Architecture -- Study and teaching | 720.71 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
338 | 173000072 | Architecture and identity : responses to cultural and technological change / third edition | Abel, Chris | Routledge | Abingdon, Oxon | 2017 | 9781138206564 | Arsitektur -- Aspek lingkungan Arsitektur dan filsafat Regionalisme dalam arsitektur Identity (Psychology) Architecture and philosophy Regionalism in architecture Architecture--Environmental aspects | 720.47 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
339 | 173000076 | Designing zero carbon buildings using dynamic simulation methods / second edition | Jankovic, Ljubomir | Routledge | Abingdon, Oxon | 2017 | 9781138658318 | Mitigasi karbondioksida Bangunan berkelanjutan -- Desain dan konstruksi Carbon dioxide mitigation Sustainable buildings -- Design and construction | 720.47 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
340 | 182000037 | Konstruksi bangunan sederhana | Sedayu, Agung | UIN Maliki Press | Malang | 2017 | 9786021190678 | Arsitektur rumah tinggal Home -- Architecture Home | 728 | Indonesia | 5 | Text | Textbook |
341 | 183000828 | Library spaces and smart buildings : technology, metrics, and iterative design | Griffey, Jason | American Library Association | Chicago | 2018 | 9780838916100 | Architecture -- Technological innovations Library buildings -- Design and construction Libraries -- Space utilization | 724.6 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
342 | 183000877 | Architecture in wood : a world history : with over 400 colour illustrations | Pryce, Will | Thames & Hudson | London | 2016 | 9780500343180 | Arsitektur kayu Wooden-frame buildings Architectural woodwork Building, Wooden Architecture | 721.0448 | English | 1 | Text | Textbook |
343 | 192000119 | Terminal penumpang transportasi jalan | Sedayu, Agung | UIN Maliki Press | Malang | 2018 | 9786021190876 | Terminal (transportasi)- desain dan konstruksi Terminal(transportation)-design and construction Terminal (transportation)-planning | 725.3 | Indonesia | 5 | Text | Textbook |
344 | 192000188 | Candi Sewu dan arsitektur bangunan agama Buddha di Jawa Tengah and Buddhist architecture of Central Java | Dumarçay, Jacques | Gramedia Pustaka Utama | Jakarta | 2018 | 9786024810887 | Candi Sewu Buddhist temples and shrine | 726.143095 | Indonesia | 1 | Text | Textbook |
345 | 192000510 | Konstruksi bangunan masjid | Sedayu,Agung | UIN Maliki Press | Malang | 2019 | 9786232322738 | Bangunan rumah ibadah-masjid KONSTRUKSI BANGUNAN | 726.2 | Indonesia | 5 | Text | Textbook |
346 | 192000598 | Buku panduan gambar teknik untuk mahasiswa arsitektur | Nazaruddin, A. Farid | UIN Maliki Press | Malang | 2019 | 9786232323490 | Architecture drawing-study and teaching Architecture drawin-Technique Architecture drawing | 720.284 | Indonesia | 6 | Text | Textbook |
347 | 232000043 | Ensiklopedia arsitektur: 27 konsep dan istilah dasar dalam arsitektur | Tim Penyusun Ensiklopedia Arsitektur | UIN Maliki Press | Malang | 2021 | 9786232326970 | Islamic architecture | 720.882971 | Indonesia | 3 | Text | |
348 | 202000620 | Konsep arsitektur Islam | Nurjayanti, Widyastuti | Muhammadiyah University Press | Surakarta | 2019 | 978602361207 | ARSITEKTUR ISLAM | 720.1 | Indonesia | 3 | Text | |
349 | 233000487 | Cities and islamisms: on the politics and production of the built environment | Batuman, Bülent | Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group) | Abingdon, Oxon | 2021 | 9780367332006 | Islamic architecture--Political aspects--Case studies Islam and architecture--Case studies Islam and architecture | 720.882 97 | English | 1 | Text | |
350 | 233000496 | Better by design: an introduction to planning and designing a new library building | Thebridge, Stella Khan, Ayub | Facet Publishing | London | 2022 | 9781783305704 | Library buildings--Design and construction Library architecture | 727.8 | English | 1 | Text | |
351 | 233000540 | Architectural excellence in Islamic societies: distinction through the Aga Khan Award for Architecture | El-Ashmouni, Marwa M. Salama, Ashraf M. | Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group) | New York | 2021 | 9780367519582 | Aga Khan Award for Architecture (Organization) Islamic countries Architecture | 720.909 767 | English | 1 | Text | |
Total Judul: 351 Total Eksemplar: 1646 |